Bill Forecasting Web Application

Bill Forecasting Web Application

Bill Forecasting Web Application

Web Application

Web Application


Thanks for checking out this amazing work in progress.

My friend and I were tired of mentally calculating our budget after paying bills. We simply wanted a hassle-free way to view the figures instantly. The idea was born. We envisioned a calendar display of all bills, along with a reliable spending forecast that showcases the exact amount you have to spend after all bill are calculated out.

We're currently in the early alpha phase, so the visual aspects are not yet perfectly polished. We've dedicated significant effort to ensure superb usability and functionality. Through active testing, feedback collection, and iteration, we're striving to deliver exactly what users need. It may not resemble a masterpiece just yet, but it efficiently gets the job done!

When we wrap up this project, I'm planning to do a deep dive and share my experiences in a comprehensive UX case study. I'll be laying out the entire journey - from the initial stages of conceptualization, the decisions we made along the way, right up to the finished product. This case study will also include the feedback we gathered, how we adapted and modified the design to meet users' needs, and the challenges we faced.

I believe sharing this process will provide valuable insights for fellow designers and those interested in product development. It’s not just about showcasing my work; it's about contributing to the design community and encouraging collaborative learning.

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